Bio and Current Topics
Xaver Baur is Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and Internal/ Pulmonary Medicine/Allergology/Environmental Medicine.
Xaver Baur chaired Occupational Medicine and was director of the Occupational (and Maritime) Institutes from 1990 till September 2012 at the universities Bochum, and Hamburg, respectively. After his retirement end of September 2012 he was senior scientist at the Haukeland University Hospital Bergen, Norway, and at the Charité University Medicine Berlin, Germany. He is the initiator and current president of the charity EOM (European Society for Environmental and Occupational Medicine) which major aim is to support independent medical research for prevention of occupational diseases and health promotion in the occupational settings. He was/has been chair, co- chair, and member, respectively, of several Task forces of the European Respiratory Society and German scientific societies, which issued guidelines and position papers on work-related respiratory disorders, on new lung function reference values, as well as on ethical issues in occupational medicine. He is (advisory) board member of several scientific journals.
Xaver Baur’s current clinical and research topics comprise: Fine diagnostics, management, and prevention of occupational and environmental disorders, especially of bronchial asthma, pneumoconioses, cancer; Compensation issues/expert opinions in occupational diseases; Ethical issues in medicine.
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