Publication by Baur, Soskolne and Bero (2019, Environmental Health) brings attention to the undermining of occupational and environmental global public health through the insertion of “knowledge” through mechanisms of corporate malfeasance. Practices of corporate malfeasance include: 1. Contamination of editorial boards of peer-reviewed scientific journals with industry apologists resulting in the publication of poorly-designed research studies that produce biased results. 2. Interference with the activities of national regulatory bodies and international review panels and other independent organizations engaged in safeguarding occupational and public health. 3. Constructing roadblocks, e.g. by capitalizing on uncertainty to undermine scientific consensus for much-needed government regulations 4. Promotion of “causation” criteria that lack foundation and effectively block workers’ access to legal remedies for harms from occupational exposures 5. Violating standards of professional conduct by seducing reputable scientists with financial incentives that make them beholden to serve the corporate agenda.